Social and Community Participation & Centre Activities

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Live the life you want, try new things, hang out with friends, and so on.

  • Join a social club.
  • Attend a summer camp.
  • Go to your local library.
  • Attend community events.
  • Music classes.
  • Cooking classes.
  • Art classes.
  • Computer classes.
  • Gaming room.


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General Care provides people with disabilities in New South Wales with Supported Independent Living (SIL), Medium Term Accommodation (MTA), and Short Term Accommodation (STA).

With the help of our highly knowledgeable team, we have created a welcoming, respectful, caring, safe, and, most importantly, enjoyable environment for all of our clients.

Daily Living

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This support category provides funds to assist/supervise personal daily tasks, allowing you to live as independently as possible. This can include things like:

  • Personal care.
  • Household tasks.
  • Cleaning.
  • Laundry and ironing.
  • Preparing and delivering meals.
  • Gardening.

Support Coordination

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General Care support coordination assists you in making the most of your NDIS plan and connecting you to the services you require.

  • Learn about the NDIS and your plan.
  • Install the necessary supports.
  • Increase your ability to be self-sufficient.
  • Get service that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

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